# Known bugs This file contains the bugs currently known and not yet fixed. --- ## RC 1 ## ### General ### * Documentation / tutorials * Cover parseSelector, add-on selectors like :not * Advanced uses of callbacks * How do deal with elements that need to be hidden * Use .sIFR-active to show them * onReplacement() to hide them again * Making sure only to hide when all are replaced * Google Translator issue, * This is really an issue with one domain loading a page from another domain which inserts a few Flash movies * That is, it's a Flash bug, not sIFR related. * * Screen readers, * jQuery CSS ready trick? * See bindReady at * Can this be trusted to work for future versions of Firefox, IE? * What if some stylesheets are not loaded (optimization) because of an inappropriate media type? * bug in parseselector? * Resize handling is horrible in the case of horizontally laid out movies. * lowercase sIFR stylesheet names, * Flash movie on different domain? , * Possible to detect completion of prefetch? * Resize handling and hidden elements? * Green background when background-color: transparent? (Arian Hojat) * Web server requirement still appropriate? * No errors when using the compressed code without debug! * No communication if Flash is off-screen? * Add Bold+Italic glyphs to default text * Merge CSS files: * Horizontal scrollbars: * Bug with font-size in nested selectors, see * Floats! * Replaced element is empty very briefly during replacement, fix height when this is the case. ### Flash Refactoring ### * Set anti-alias to "text" in .fla, don't that after that? ### Linux ### * No Flash <--> JavaScript communication in Konqueror. See also * Still no transparency support :( ### Opera ### * Detect User Style Mode? ### Firefox ### * overflow:hidden; seems to have very negative CPU usage side effects in (at least) Firefox. Is fixFocus affected, as well? * Problem with fixFocus? * fixFocus required in FF3? * fixFocus movies can be scrolled using the scroll wheel, * selectable:false is broken on FF3 / Win. ### WebKit ### * Scaling is inaccurate, no resizeAfterScale? * XHTML support broke, probably because of pre-fetch, see * Resizing text with replaced